The LIDU development department constructs individual mechanical engineering parts according to drafts, sample parts or autonomously as agreed upon with the customer.
Manufacturing drawings are made with the 3D-CAD-system SolidWorks®. This allows the external use of the created files.
For 3D-CAD/CAM constructions LIDU counts on EdgeCAM®. This way we are able to generate editing applications for almost all of our CNC controlled machine tools. EdgeCAM® also supports constructional features, e.g. to add an auxiliary geometry to an existing component to machine it more secure and effective.
We can handle the following file types:
*.dxf / *.dwg; *.prt / *.sldprt / *.asm / *.sldasm / *.drw / *.slddrw; *.pmod / *.a3mod; *.igs / *.iges; *.par; *.sat; *.stl; *.stp / *.step (AP 203 & 214); *.vda; *.x_t / *.x_b / *.xmt_txt / *.xmt_bin
If you want to use another type, please feel free to contact us.